We can obtain your
NIE quickly and in a
cost effective way

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Apply for your

NIE Number?


Marc White & Co

What is a NIE number?

A NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) number is a tax identification number issued by the National Police of Spain.

It is a legal requirement for you to have a NIE number if you intend to purchase a property, sell a property, obtain a mortgage, buy or sell a vehicle or boat, start up a business or work in Spain.

The application process can be laborious and time-consuming and can require a couple of trips to Spain, along with hours of waiting in queues and filling out complex application forms. But we can help!


Marc White & Co

Marc White & Co are experts in international and cross-border law. We can help you with a wide range of other legal issues including:

Wills & Trusts

Power of Attorney

International Law

Employment Law

Notary Services

Call us today

0117 946 77 09

Apply for your NIE number

Applying for a NIE number doesn’t need to be a lengthy and complicated process

By acting on your behalf, Marc White & Co can simplify the process, removing the need for you to spend hours dealing with Spanish authorities, completing complex paperwork or even travelling to Spain.

Contact us today for a no-obligation quote by completing our NIE enquiry form.